Volunteer Opportunities
At St. Aidan’s there’s always something to do! Please contact the church office if you would like more details on volunteering in any of these ministries.
Music Ministry
The music team leads the congregation in singing at our Sunday morning services. They rehearse one evening during the week, as well as briefly on Sunday mornings.
Readers Team
Every Sunday service, members of our readers team bring the Word of God to the congregation, reading aloud from each week’s portion of the Old and New Testaments.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School teachers and helpers serve once or twice a month, teaching the Bible to our youngest members in an age-appropriate way. Sunday School volunteers must be regular attendees and able to pass a Vulnerable Sector Check.
Ushers Ministry
Ushers greet people as they enter the building, hand out bulletins, pass the offering plate, and help facilitate Communion.
Chancel Guild
The Chancel Guild is responsible for setting up for Communion every week, and for cleaning and storing all of the the linens and altar vessels after the service.
Friday Food Program
Volunteers serve in small teams twice a month on Friday afternoons, distributing after-school snacks and food for the weekend to children in our neighbourhood.
St Aidan’s Crafting Group
The crocheters and knitters of St Aidan’s meet once a month for an afternoon of crafting and fellowship. They make items such as hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, and baby blankets, which are then distributed to those in need.